When should I stop letting my kids take a bath together? They love it! They have so much fun and it is much easier for me and Dave to just get it over with all at once. I'm thinking when kindergarten starts, the girls will bathe together and Connor will have his own bath. There's not much room left in that tub with all three. They're just so stinking cute together!
converstation with my six year old
2 years ago
This is a question I ponder regularly. Lainey has started asking to take showers, so we've started the transition, but you are so right... its so much easier to just toss them in there together! If you find any good info about it, share!
I don't know. I say by 15 it should stop.
I can't believe they don't sit and stare at each other. My kids do! The new baby will put an end to baths together! Well, not until she's about a year! That's when the GRABBING starts! Good times, believe me
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