Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Work Party 2007!

Omniture's annual Christmas Party was on December 8 in the Grand America Hotel. It's so fancy. My favorite part is the hors duerves (spelling?) that the waiters bring around while you are mingling. I feel like I'm famous! The dinner was great but the band was the best! We had a great time dancing and getting our groove on. The prizes weren't that great this year, so I didn't care so much that we didn't win anything. It was a fun party and I really can't wait until next year! (And I must say, that getting all fancy like I'm going to prom again is really a blast!)


Annie and Berkeley said...

Wow, you guys looked so good! Gorgeous hair, Karen!

Carrie said...

You're crazy... you LIKE getting dressed up???? Give me jeans and a tshirt! But you look smokin... and I'm sure Dave would agree. So fun!

Keri said...

What a spiffy looking couple! Glad you had fun. Isn't the Grand America amazing? That's where Randy had his company party, too.

Merri Hackett said...

WOOT WOO!!! Who are those hottie patrotties? You guys look grrrrreat!

Merri Hackett said...

Lady in red is dancing with me cheek to cheek.

Tammy said...

I agree with that. I missing having a reason to get all dressed up. I wish there were more things for us to go kidless all dressed up to! Don't get me wrong I don't want to dress up all the time, but sometimes would be nice!

Nubia said...

How lucky that you're kids stay still for pictures. Mine start running away when they see a camera. You guys look great!

I loved dressing up too for my Christmas party. Wish I had more reasons to buy new shoes and a dress.

Have a fun and safe new years!