Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Birthday Fun!

I did so much for my birthday and had a great time. On Wednesday, we went out to eat at PF Changs with our friends Brian and Rebekah South. On Thursday, some friends came over for dinner and cake and ice cream. We ended up having leg wrestling matches. It was so fun! On Saturday, we had a party in Centerville with our family. It was a great birthday and for the first time ever, I CAN wait until the next one!


Keri said...

Oohh, leg wrestling...it's been a while since I've tried that! Glad you had such fun celebrations.

Merri Hackett said...

ha ha ha it looks like you caught a picture of a gas bubble coming out of my butt on the last picture! too funny!

Tammy said...

leg wrestling...I love it!! Those were the good old days when we did that!