Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Time

I love getting ready for Christmas. Putting up the tree, lights, decorations..... It all takes me back to my younger years when Christmas is so magical! This is hands-down my favorite time of year. This year we have two trees. One is real and I love the smell it brings into our home. It's great. I don't know how I want to decorate the fake one yet. But it will be fun to have a fancy tree. Here are a few pictures of us with the trees. In the last one, the kids were shaping the branches themselves. They turned out quite funny!

Thanksgiving Week

We started off the week busy with parent's day at preschool. We finished our pumpkin project and the parents came to see all that we have learned and to have some fun. It was a great couple of days.
On Tuesday evening, Dave and I went to the BYU basketball game where we had courtside tickets! (Thanks to Dave, Kirst, and the McKinneys!) It was a great game and so awesome to be sitting so close to all of the action. You know you're getting old when college cheerleaders look like 5 year olds!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our families up in Centerville. We stayed at my parents house and had Thanksgiving dinner with Dave's. It's great to have both families so close so that we can see them all during the holidays! The food was all so great and I ate a lot!!!! The Grant household was packed with family and that was wonderful. One of my favorite things, was gathering around Dave at the piano and singing with everyone. I love doing that. We helped my mom put up her tree and the kids had a ball. They are so excited for Christmas. Aunt Annie also had fun filling their faces and hers with Christmas stickers. It was a wonderful week!
Thank you all for being part of our lives. We are so thankful this year for all of our blessings. Especially for our family and friends. We love you all so much and hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Last Thursday, a great friend from Oklahoma, Amy, was in Salt Lake for a conference. We got together and had dinner at the Melting Pot. ( By the way, so Good and fun!) Anyway, it had been 6 years since we had seen each other and had a great time catching up on each other's lives. We were at the restaurant for 3 hours just talking and didn't realize that so much time had gone by. I was best friend's with Amy's sister Machelle. Sadly, Machelle was killed in a car accident our freshman year of college, but I still keep in contact with her family because I love them all so much! Machelle and I had lots of private jokes together and one of them was calling Amy, Daisy. Not sure where it came from. But one Thanksgiving we were at a family party of Machelle's and we locked Amy in the bathroom. (Actually that one was all Machelle, but I went along.) And every Thanksgiving I think of Amy and Machelle. So it was really great to see Amy. As I visited with her, I could see so much of Machelle in her. It made me so happy. Well, Amy has grown so much and I am so proud of her. And I know that Machelle would be proud of our Daisy too! For the Pagetts, "Wow. That was deep!"

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Connor Man

So Connor is quite the little guy! I'm so happy to have such a cute tow-headed boy. I just love him to death. Yesterday we went to the dentist and he has 4 small cavities! Poor kid! He must take after me and just be prone to those darn things no matter how good he brushes. Also yesterday, we were about to go to the store and we saw our neighbor Merri outside having her own little barbershop. We went over and she ended up buzzing Connor's mane. He looks so cute! Thanks Merri for the free cut!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Time for Christmas!

Now that Halloween is over, it is time for the Christmas music! I absolutely love Christmas music. It makes me so happy! It is too wonderful to only listen to one month out of the year. So I extend that to two. November and December. If I had my way, I'd listen to it in October!
Everyone always says that by listening to Christmas music in November downplays Thanksgiving. I disagree. I feel that Thanksgiving and Christmas go hand in hand. They are both about being thankful for all the blessings in our lives especially Jesus Christ.
So go ahead everyone and listen to that Christmas music now! 106.5 is playing it all day, everyday now.

Friday, November 2, 2007

What a Great Halloween!

Yes, there were some breakdowns, some crying, some fighting, etc., but all-in-all this was a great Halloween! The kids got loads of candy and they loved dressing up. It made me so happy to watch my children going trick-or-treating and doing the things that I loved as a kid. I can remember my wonderful dad taking us all over town and walking with us door to door in the freezing cold as we collected our goodies. Then dumping all the candy out on the floor and sorting it out. What a wonderful memory. I hope that my children look back on these Halloween memories as fondly as I do mine.

H3 at Omniture!

We all had such a fun time at Omniture's Halloween bash this year. It was the best yet. Each department came up with a theme and decorated their area for that theme. There was pirate ship, Nemo's ocean, Alice's Wonderland, Buzz Lightyear world, a fair, a carnival, a High School Musical area, and Disneyland! The engineering department did the carnival. It was great! We spent over two hours there. The triplets' favorite part was meeting Mickey and Minnie. They were so excited! Especially Brooke. These pictures are some highlights.

One More!

Funny Party Pics

My kids had a ball at the preschool Halloween parties. These are just a few funny pictures of them.