Thursday, September 10, 2009


No baby yet. This child refuses to come out of me on its own. So tomorrow is the day! The doctor doesn't want me going much over 41 weeks because of my previous c-section. The baby is putting tons of pressure on my scar and it is seriously hurting. We are going to try just braking the water and see if that gets things moving on its own. If not, then I am going to have a c-section. This seems a little drastic but I've had the feeling for a while that the reason this baby hasn't come on its own is because a c-section is the safest thing for both of us. We'll see what happens! I'll change the color of my blog to pink or blue tomorrow evening or Saturday to let you all know if we have an Owen or Luci!


Tammy said...

I can't wait to meet that baby!! I'm sure you feel the same. I hope you can get him/her out safely, no matter how it is.

Annie and Berkeley said...

I am so freaking impatient!! Come out my little niece or nephew! I can't wait to meet you!

Merri Hackett said...

good luck! do you need me to watch the kids at all? just let me know. I can take them to school and stuff too. keep me posted :)

Nicole said...

WAHOO!!!! i'm so excited for you guys!!! anxious for your wait to be over for you!

Maren said...

Good luck! I hope everything goes well! And we will definitely be checking back to see what color the blog is!

Morgan C said...

Karen I am SOOOOO excited! :) Hope all goes well, I am sure grandma will call us when you have him...or her!

Annie said...

Hey Karen- I have been watching your blog waiting to see what your new bundle will be and I wish you all the luck tomorrow. I am surprised they are not insisting on a c-section because you had one before. Here in Oklahoma you don't even get an option, if you've had a c-section all of your other babies will be delivered by c-section. I have now had three c-sections -ugh!!! Will be thinking and praying for you tomorrow, hope everything is as painless as possible. ;)

The Chizel Family said...

Good Luck!! We are so excited for you! Porter says he wants to see your new baby.

Ms. said...

I felt the same way. She didn't come late, but I decided if she was late I would do a repeat cesarean. Yay Either way for a baby...I had been wondering

Merri Hackett said...

today is the day and i'm nervous for you :)

American Falls TaVaci said...

Love you guys! I'll be praying for you!!

Krista Dearden said...

Woohoo! Looks like a boy! I am so excited for you guys! I hope you are recovering well.

Kristina said...

Hi Karen,
It's Kristina Weston from the Moon River apts.(and freshman year) We ran into Dave at Soccer pics and I was so happy to hear about #4! Congrats! Our blog is We'll have to stay in touch since we live in the same town!