My sister-in-law Megan has gotten into waxing. In fact, all my girl Grant in-laws have. So a couple of weeks ago, I jumped on the bandwagon! Wow! Did it hurt. And then on top of the pain, a few days later, my lip broke out. The upside? I bonded with my in-laws and I have a hairless lip. Yes, I'll do it again. I think the nerves on my lip are dead anyway!
converstation with my six year old
2 years ago
I love getting waxed I feel so clean afterwards and it is nice not to have a chihahua stash. I am not sure I could pull it off myself though!!!
I put some peroxide on a q tip and rub it over the area--it helps keep the breakouts down just a tip I learned
youch that looks painful. Daves Emmett! That's cool. I am going to do that soon...ok we'll see.
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