I can't believe that my last baby is already 6 months old! Time just goes way too fast especially when you are trying to make every second count! So, he weighs 16lbs. 3oz. and is in the 30th percentile for weight. He is 25 1/4 inches tall and in the 5th percentile for height. His head circumference is in the 20th percentile. He is growing and learning all the time. He is finally rolling over and is starting to sit up. He laughs so cute and loves to laugh and giggle at his big brothers and sisters. It is so darling. He loves to be held and snuggled so he does cry more than necessary. :) (That was a nice way of saying he can be quite fussy.) But I don't mind most of the time because I love snuggling him! And he's my last! I have to snuggle as much as I can! We call him our little owl because when he talks he says, "whoooo, whoooo" in a low voice. It is so cute. Here's a picture of him doing it.
We have also tried giving him rice cereal:
He doesn't like it. :)
We love this little baby. He is the BEST surprise we have ever and will ever have!